So What Is
ProfitHost All About??
- Fully-Fledged, Online
Hosting Solution!
- Quickest Fully-Fledged,
Online Hosting Solution!
- Comes With A Panel Better
& More Powerful Than C-Panel!
- FREE SSL License!
- Have Wordpress Services
Such As 1-Click Set-Up, Cloning, Migration & Backup!
- Create Unlimited Domains
+ Unlimited Sub-Domains!
- Have Automated Backups!
- Edit Your Own DNS Records
With Ease!
- Blazing Fast Loading
Images Triple Your Website Speed!
- One-Time Payment Only…NO
Monthly Fees!
- Comes Complete With
Quality Video Tutorials & More!
- Perfect For Affiliates,
eCom Sellers, Offline…Everyone!
- 100% Newbie-Friendly
Easy-To-Use Software!
- Full Commercial Rights -
Offer These Incredible Services To Your Clients!
Hosting Account Features
Bandwidth (Monthly): |
10000 Gigabytes |
Disk Space: |
10000 Megabytes |
E-mail Boxes: |
Unlimited |
MySQL Databases: |
Unlimited |
FTP Accounts: |
Unlimited |
Secondary Domains: |
Unlimited |
Subdomains: |
Unlimited |
Pointer Domains: |
Unlimited |
Create Sub-users: |
Unlimited |
Prices &

Front End - ProfitHost: $17 - $15
Access the powerful ProfitHost software and training modules.
Upsell #1 - PRO (Unlimited) Edition: $37 ($27)
Upsell #2 - Enterprise Edition: $47 ($37)
Upsell #3 - DFY Edition: $39
Upsell #4 - Reseller Edition
: $197 ($97)
Upsell #5 - IMX Bundle : $97
Here's Are Some
Key Benefits You May Be Interested In Getting:
- Host unlimited websites and domains
on our cloud hosting servers for a low one time fee
- Get faster loading websites than ever
before with 100% uptime
- Unlimited Free end-to-end SSL
encryption protects you and your websites
- Pay once, use forever hosting on unlimited domains or sites
- 10000 GB monthly bandwidth with NO monthly or yearly fee
- Host all of your website’s data
including files, images and graphics
- 100% Newbie Friendly
- Your own personalized email accounts
- Free one-click Wordpress installer
with next-generation control panel
- 24/7 support from marketing gurus
- Never lose your precious data: malware protection is built right in
- No technical skills or experience
All of this is covered by a
'no-questions asked' 30 day money-back guarantee