Internet Broadband ISP in Canton, North Carolina

Get a T1 quote online or call us toll-free: 1-800-880-2001 and mention Ref# 136534

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We carry all the top providers in Canton, North Carolina and can access custom pricing with them to lower nearly 50% on your Internet costs! We are the #1 broker for telecom providers in Canton!

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T1 Internet - Life in the Fast Lane

Ever used a T1 Internet line? Upgrading to this level of service in Canton, North Carolina is like going from an old broken-down car to a new sports car. You'll feel the speed immediately! While both T1 and DSL connections promise to have a speed of 1.5Mbps, the former actually delivers its claim. DSL and cable connections are severely oversubscribed and cannot always deliver the speed they project especially at peak hours. Ready to feel the difference? You may have already if your office has important applications that use the web. If your office hosts e-mail, webservers or more than 20 people on Internet access, you probably already have a dedicated T1 line. If not, get one fast!

A T1 Internet connection is ideal because of its reliability. Not only is it not oversubscribed, it also has low latency which means fewer delays. Latency becomes vital in applications like video on demand, webconferencing, and gaming. While you might not think gaming is so essential, gamers require some of the best Internet connections and are a good source for information on the finest Internet products offered.

If you're ready to progress into the fast lane or to put your business on a reliable connection that you should have anyway, get some advice from a broker that deals in T1 services. Brokers don't increase the price of services. They offer the same price as going direct to the carrier. The benefit of ordering through a broker is that you'll obtain a second channel of customer service. If the company is not performing to expectation, you will always be able to go back to your broker. A broker put a major amount of business through the carrier and is much more likely to get the company's attention to get your problem worked out. In our opinion, a broker is a good way to go!

We are specialists in NC T-1. This page is a quick listing of the products specifically offered by T1Market in Canton.

As we go forward, our wish is to continually improve our product offerings. We now provide enterprise products normally employed by larger corporations, namely: MPLS network service, gigabit ethernet, OC3, and cloud computing bandwidth delivered over a fiber optic backbone. Many of our carriers even provide free managed Cisco routers for multi-year contracts. Mainly, our objective is to create a bond with you - our client - that will certainly last for years to come. Obtaining your trust is what we do all the time. Conserving you cash on economical bandwidth services is precisely how we keep it.

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Get a T1 quote online or call us toll-free: 1-800-880-2001 and mention Ref# 136534

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